Changes to cafeteria layout remove barriers to social interaction

By Elaine Law

As the dividers come down across the school and restrictions loosen up, so does how we interact with each other, how classes go about, and also, apparently, how we eat at the cafeteria. 

Remember when the second floor of the canteen looked something like this?:

And now it became like this? (Dividers are now gone!):

As you may know, the cafeteria had to install dividers to ensure low contagion between people due to social distancing and COVID precautions. As a result, trying to socialize in this environment became an unpleasant experience.

The dividers made holding conversations with others across the table a very difficult experience as, to an extent, they mute sounds. Students have been witnessed in the past making many attempts to face each other while dining, turning around on their benches to face the nearby tables, which looks and feels awkward. They had to move their arms across the dividers placed around the tables in order to socialize. 

But suddenly, without any explanation, a change to the layout of the canteen occurred. Towards the end of 2022, students were met with a canteen that had no barriers and tables were finally next to each other. Even teachers were surprised at this change. The new plan allowed for a more sociable and inclusive environment. The change was most likely due to the fact that the restrictions were lightened up. Students are now able to face towards—and have better conversations with—their friends and peers and overall have a more enjoyable eating experience.

This has been a welcomed change for the student community and has been positively received. Students have reported that the change has made it easier for them to talk with their peers, and it has helped bring them and their friends together. 

An anonymous student says “I think [the change is] fine, it allows for better communication amongst students who sit next to each other. I don’t mind them.” 

Another student who wishes to stay anonymous states that even though they didn’t think the change was good at first, their friend group is now able to chat freely, together. 

Overall, the change—no matter the reason—has been a positive one, and students have said that they are happy with the change. We hope that as Covid restrictions become less strict, we can make our way towards life pre-Covid, and have similar inconveniences abolished like this.